CSL4030: Data Engineering

Jul-Dec, 2023

Course Description

Data Engineers are people who build computer systems to manage the storage and access of digital data. With the advent of social media apps, incessant streams of multimedia data has added to the already challenging task of managing traditional tabular data. However, we are standing on the cusp of a digital revolution that is beyond our current imagination. With smart devices generating millions of data points at our homes, cryptocurrencies becoming a preferred mode of financial transactions, and space monitors sending terrabytes of data every second from the Moon and fellow planets, the future of digital data is gigantic. We need a new breed of Data Engineers who will be able to tame that giant. To that end, this course has been designed to discuss the building blocks of data engineering with the 3rd year undergraduate students.

Class Location and Time

Location: Room CS 101 for lectures, CC Lab 1 for labs

Course Instructor

Dr. Saptarshi Pyne (spyne@iitj.ac.in)

Course picture Upcoming...
Pragyan the rover is sending an image of a huge crater from the South Pole of the Moon to the Earth. Courtesy: ISRO, August 28, 2023.

Teaching Assistants

Grading Policy (Tentative)

Syllabus and References

Please click here


Principles of Computer System - II/ Operating Systems


Database Systems