Goal: Recreate Amazon Day 1 Data Model products{ pid (unique) serial PK pname varchar reqd price float constraint must be positive reqd imageLink varchar(32) reqd } CREATE TABLE products ( pid serial PRIMARY KEY, pname VARCHAR ( 10 ) NOT NULL, price NUMERIC(5,2) CHECK (price >= 0) NOT NULL, imageLink VARCHAR ( 32 ) NOT NULL ); There should be a space between \! and cls. \! cls INSERT INTO products (pname, price, imageLink) VALUES('Concepts', 200.00, ''); INSERT INTO products (pname, price, imageLink) VALUES('ddia', 250.00, ''); users{ uid (unique) serial PK email (unique) varchar reqd password varchar reqd type bool (Prime = 1/Regular = 0 [default]) reqd fname varchar reqd lname varchar reqd mobile int(13) reqd address varchar reqd signuptime TIMESTAMP dob DATE active bool 0/1 } orders{ oid serial PK reqd pid int FK(products) reqd uid int FK(users) reqd deliveryType bool (cod = 1/prepaid = 0 [default]) reqd tsop TIMESTAMP reqd status (ordered = 0/shipped = 1/delivered = 2) SMALLINT reqd trackingNo varchar } products[pid] users[uid] orders[oid, uid, pid]