
CSL7390: Social Network Analysis

Jan-May, 2024

Table of Contents


Caution: We are having discussion primarily on the blackboard.
Hence, the slides are only for the purpose of supporting the blackboard discussions.
In the exams, questions will come from all of the classroom discussions, not only from the slides.

Event Date Description References
Lecture 1 Jan 5 Introduction and Different Types of Network [ Slides ]
Lecture 2 Jan 8 Graph Introduction [ Slides ]
Lectures 3-8 Jan 10-24 Network Measures [ Slides ]
Lectures 9-12 Jan 29-Feb 7 Social Groups [ Slides ]
Exam Feb 10 Minor-1 [ Question Paper ]
Lectures 13-17 Feb 12-28 Network Models [ Slides ]
Lecture 18 Mar 1 Intro to Game Theory [ Kleinberg Sections 6.1-6.9 ]
Lecture 19 Mar 6 Modelling Network Traffic using Game Theory [ Kleinberg Sections 8.1-8.2 ]
Lecture 20 Mar 11 Information Cascades [ Kleinberg Sections 19.1-19.6 ]
Lectures 21-23 Mar 13-16 The Small-World Phenomenon [ Slides ]
Lecture 24 Mar 18 Minor-1 model answer discussion
Exam Mar 23 Minor-2 [ Question Paper ]
Lectures 25-27 Mar 20, 27, Apr 1 Epidemiological Models [ Slides ]
Lectures 28-30 Apr 3, 5, 8 Community Detection [ Slides ]
Lectures 31-32 Apr 12, 15 Link Prediction [ Slides ]
Lectures 33-34 Apr 17, 19 Evolving Network and Temporal Networks [ Paper ]
Lecture 35 Apr 22 The Connected Caveman Graph Model [ Slides ]
Lecture 36 Apr 24 Web Search and Link Analysis [ Slides ]

Text and Reference Book(s)

  1. Newman: Mark Newman (2010), Networks: An Introduction, Oxford University Press.
  2. Kleinberg: David Easley and Jon Kleinberg (2010), Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World, Cambridge University Press. Pre-publication draft. Book website.
  3. Barabasi: Albert-László Barabási (2016), Network Science, Cambridge University Press. Freely available under the Creative Commons license: website.

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